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Before the LAB

Table of contents

  1. Important points need to mind
  2. Schedule, Task and Score
    1. Schedule
    2. Task and Score
    3. I Familiar with gem5
    4. II Hostspot Analysis
    5. III Implement FSUBR
    6. IV Implement NMRU replacement policy
    7. V Explore GPGPU-SIM and GEMM
    8. VI Expore ACCEL-SIM and Cache
  3. Submit

Important points need to mind


  • gem5 provides two ways of simulation (SE/FS). In this LAB, we only need to use SE mode.

  • gem5 provides multiple architectures. In this LAB, we use X86.

  • Label challenge means this part of content is a little difficult, you can skip it or do your best to solve it.

  • You need to write a report for each LAB. In your report, you should give proper introduction about your work including answering the questions or completing the challenge part and so on.

  • If you find/have some problems/tips about SYSU-ARCH, please

    • Disscussions
    • Issue
    • contact guoty9[AT] or guyh9[AT]

Schedule, Task and Score


Deadline LAB
11.2 I & II
11.16 III
11.30 IV
12.14 V
12.28 VI

Task and Score

Generally speaking, for each LAB, the points of basic part is 90pts and the points of challenge part is 20pts. The final score is the average of each LAB’s points time 0.4 which means full marks of experiment part is 40pts.

The detailed task and scoring description are as follows.

I Familiar with gem5

Build and simulate

  • [20 points] Your config file (.py)

  • [30 points] The output (include config) under the combination (total is 8) of these configs

X86TimingSimpleCPU 1GHz DDR3_1600_8x8
X86MinorCPU 2GHz DDR3_2133_8x8
  • [20 points] Your sieve program

  • [20 points] Answer question a

  • [20 points] Answer question b(challenge part)

Malloc and Free (challenge part)

  • [10 points] Any files that you made changes to implement “Malloc and Free”

  • [10 points] The simulation output

II Hostspot Analysis

  • [40 points] Your solution to correctly compile modified DAXPY program

  • [25 points] The output after you add m5_dump_reset_stats(arg1,arg2)

  • [25 points] Answer question a

III Implement FSUBR

  • [30 points] Your benchmark program to validate FSUBR in gem5

  • [60 points] Any files that you made changes to implement FSUBR

  • [20 points] Answer question a (challenge part)

IV Implement NMRU replacement policy

  • [60 points] Any file that you made changes to implement NMRU

  • [30 points] The simulation output when using NMRU

  • [20 points] The detailed solution of (challenge part)

V Explore GPGPU-SIM and GEMM

  • [50 points] The output of simulating GEMM template code in GPGPU-SIM

  • [40 points] Answer question a

  • [20 points] Tuning GEMM (challenge part)

VI Expore ACCEL-SIM and Cache

  • [40 points] The output (stats.csv)

  • [50 points] Answer question a and b

  • [20 points] Answer question c (challenge part)


To submit your work, please visit EasyHPC